CAA encourages veto of extreme heat bill over concerns about costly mandates

The California Apartment Association is encouraging Gov. Gavin Newsom to veto a bill that could lead to expensive air conditioning mandates for rental properties across the state.

Proposition 33 aims to repeal 1995’s Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act, the state’s most important rental housing protection law. Learn how you can help defeat the “Justice for Renters Act” and keep radical rent control out of California. Learn more

See the No on Prop 33 Rental Owners’ Fact Sheet

Proposition 34 will close a loophole in our healthcare system that’s allowed the diversion of dollars intended for patient care to be spent on things like music festivals, luxury real estate investments and political campaigns, such as rent control and no-growth measures. Learn more

Paid for by California Apartment Association

CAA is the definitive voice of California’s rental housing industry.

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